Music uplifts the soul, and this is especially true in a liturgical setting. Delivering inspiring, uplifting, and beautiful sacred music is the aim of each and every member of the St. Albert the Great Music Ministry. Featuring several vocal and instrumental ensembles, there are many different ways to use the gift of song in praise of God. Please contact our Music Director, John Webb, if you have any questions or wish to find out more about joining the Music Ministry and sharing the gifts God has given you with the St. Albert community.
John Webb
Music Director
Our Musical Ensembles:
Eucharistic Choir
WIth repertoire spanning traditional hymns to contemporary and multicultural pieces, the Eucharistic Choir serves as the main choral group to provide music at weekend liturgies and holy days. Eucharistic Choir is open to all adult singers (no matter the experience level) with a willingness to learn how to sing with proper vocal technique in a Christ-centered atmosphere. Rehearsals for the Eucharistic Choir take place on Thursday evenings at 7pm, and the Eucharistic Choir sings at various different mass times (4pm, 9:30am, and 11:30am) throughout the year.
St. Cecilia Singers
Formerly known as the Schola Cantorum, this chamber ensemble comprises members of the Eucharistic Choir with more advanced skills in the areas of sight reading music, vocal technique, and choral experience. Members of the St. Cecilia Singers, named after the patron saint of music, provide music for several special holy day masses and liturgies throughout the year, and sing more complex musical pieces of various styles, including, though not limited to, Medieval, Renaissance, and Classical sacred music. All members of this ensemble are selected by the Music Director.
Youth Choir
Open to children at St. Albert the Great day school and the parish school of religion in grades 3 through 8, the Youth Choir aims to expand the minds, hearts, and faith of young aspiring music ministers. Members learn the basics of developing strong vocal technique, the different styles of sacred vocal music, the basics of how to sing in a choir and how to cantor a Catholic liturgy, and develop a sense of communal sharing in a group centered in the love of Christ. Youth Choir students rehearse on Thursdays at 3:45pm, and lead one weekend parish mass a month. In addition, the students of the Youth Choir also prepare a religious-themed musical production in the spring.
Resurrection Choir
The primary ensemble for leading funeral liturgies, the Resurrection Choir lifts their voices in song to give comfort to those grieving a loss, and to provide hope and reassurance to people in a time of sorrow and need. The Resurrection Choir meets a half hour before each funeral to do vocal warm-ups and review music for the mass, ensuring that the ensemble will provide their best efforts in uplifting the hearts of those who mourn.
St. Albert the Great utilizes the gifts of several strong vocalists serving as cantors, who lead the liturgy in song and uplift the congregation in prayer through music. Cantors are trained in proper singing and leading of traditional hymns, chant, call and response hymnody, contemporary hymns of praise, spirituals, and other styles of sacred music.
Handbell Choir
Comprising musicians and music lovers of all experience levels and abilities, the Handbell Choir works to create touching, reflective liturgical moments of music through the use of bells. The Handbell Choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 7pm, and plays one to two masses a month.
God calls all musicians to join in creating music in praise to Him! Whether playing scales on the organ, lyrical lines on the piano or string instruments, or soaring harmonies on trumpets, flutes, etc., the instrumentalists of St. Albert the Great provide an inspiring sound that enhances the musical experience in the liturgy.